Cyber security is the information technology field associated with the security of computer systems and information. It encompasses threats to computer hardware, software and data including theft, hacking, viruses and more. The computer security field has grown immensely as more devices become internet-enabled and more services move online.The course is beneficial to get knowledge of security mechanisms, standards, and state-of-the-art capabilities; they will also be able to design new systems and infrastructure-level security solutions.

    Module 01 - Introduction

    Module 02 - Principle of least privilege, access control, and operating systems security

    Module 03 - Dealing with legacy code: sandboxing and isolation

    Module 04 - Exploitation techniques and fuzzing

    Module 05 - Overview of cryptography

    Module 06 - Basic web security model

    Module 07 - HTTPS: goals and pitfalls

    Module 08 - Web application security

    Module 09 - Session management and user authentication

    Module 10 - Content Security Policies (CSP), Web workers, and extensions

    Module 11 -Network security

    Module 12 - Security issues in Internet protocols: TCP, DNS, and routing

    Module 13 - Network defense tools: Firewalls, VPNs, Intrusion Detection, and filters

    Module 14 - Unwanted traffic: denial of service attacks